Thursday, 30 April 2015

It feels like I have gone missing.

Work is so busy at the moment so I have been at work a lot this week, in fact I am going again tomorrow.  I seriously don't know how women work full time and do everything else that women are supposed to do.  I take my hat off to them, so not my gig.  

I mean to say,
when do you get to play???

Today I went a bit animal print with black, hair up, as I was in serious mode for work.  The temperature has dropped off a bit, but not too bad, so light layers all the way for me.  I don't mind if it is cold I just don't do RAIN!

I have been so busy that I haven't set foot inside an op shop since last week.  But today I popped in to a few on my way home and look at the shoes I found!!  Brand new too and only $6.

The fluffies aren't happy about me not being home through the day and follow me everywhere when I get home.

Oscar was getting a bit lippy outside!!

So hows your week been going?

I ordered these slippers on line and they arrived yesterday.  Slightly too big but so warm and so dam nice, cow hide tops lined with sheep wool with nice rubber soles so I can wear them outside.  I have cosy toes now.  I am a slipper girl I am.

I let my hair down in the garden this afternoon.

Now for some
thought provoking

 (none of us bite)
(this must mean I am great)


Curtise said...

You know what they say about all work and no play... Play is essential!
Love the stripey flowery shoes, and the tog of war looks hilarious. Gorgeous last pic - Seventies shampoo advert hair alert! (That's a Good Thing, btw!) xxx

Poppy Q said...

Sure is hard being a working woman. Still Poppy is no good at paying the bills, so I guess I have to head out each day.

Your shoes and slippers are cute.

Julie Q

Vix said...

Damned life getting in the way of fun!
Your hair is looking gorgeous. Love those flatties and the pooches are hilarious. xxx

Raewyn said...

Yep, definitely getting to be slipper weather...your latest purchases are very cute - cowhide ones sound like a bit of me! The weekend is nearly here....!!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I've been a bit AWOL too, got so much to share I don't know where to start. Maybe we can get out to play next Friday.

Goody said...

I'm amazed the slippers haven't been claimed by one of the pooches ("For me? Oh, you shouldn't have...")as it looks like the sort of thing they'd love. Better keep them locked away (the slippers, not the dogs).

Sorry to hear you're burning the candle at both ends, and I hope things get back to a normal pace soon. For what it is worth-you look great! When I'm exhausted, I look it ;)

Julie said...

Cute new shoes Sue. I am a slipper girl too ... I live in mine in the winter. I used to work 5 1/2 days a week in a Gift Shop & I flippin hated it - would wake up each day & wonder what day it was. Hope things ease up a bit soon for you :-)

Beth Waltz said...

Oh, those shoes are exquisite! Is there a satin-striped pink glamour gown in your closet? Perhaps with a bit of Vixenish maribou?

The up-do is truly your go-to hairstyle, Sue. Hmmm? Are you perhaps a shade more Nordic for winter?

Angels have Red Hair said...

You look quite serious corporate with your hair up.
Those slippers are great … I'm surprised Oscar hasn't had a go at them ;0)

Shawna McComber said...

Sorry you are missing some fun but you look gorgeous while doing all that serious work stuff. Gorgeous in the garden with your hair let down too. I love the red and black outfit; it suits you so well and is delightfully artsy. xoxo