Thursday, 2 April 2015

It's all chocolate and hot cross buns in this house!

Yesterday I had the best ever visit, not a surprise one as I knew this lovely lady was in town and we had a date.  

Meet Leeanne.

Leeanne has this lovely blog where she shares her beautiful quilting creations, (she is after all a professional quilter, yes she is) and her gorgeous cat Simon, I like Simon.  Anyway we have had a long standing joke about sharing a cup of tea and yesterday she was passing through Hamilton so we had a meet!  As lovely in real life as she is via the blogging world.  The sun was out so we had a cuppa outside on the garden swing and chatted and laughed like old friends.

I had a black, white and red day.  

Light weight jackets are the order of the day for the Autumn mornings as they are getting a lot cooler.

Last night I asked the heir and the spare if we could have a selfie of the three of us?  I was answered with a series of groans and moans about face book and 'your blog'.  

So I just helped myself.

The heir taking Joan to her bed, she thinks roosting out in the back yard is the deal, but no no, she has a huge house she shares with the other girls.

The spare really does love his mummy, after all she invited him for dinner and gave him some Easter treats!!!

Yeah, good luck with getting a nice normal family selfie!!!
Obviously we will repeat this until we get the
normal photo.

Another black, white and red day it would seem.

Work has been wickedly busy this week so today I rewarded myself with a visit to a few op shops on my way home.  The plates were far too colourful to be left behind and they are 'Splashy' a  local business.  The hanging cat thing will more than likely end up hanging in my friends that loves all things cats, tree.  The wine sign, well there are a few candidates for that!!!

My friend Dawn has this book and I managed to get her hands on one the other day.  For the next five years you answer a question a day, same question on the same day that you will answer five times.  Be cool to see the different answers after five years of this.  

Thought provoking stuff!!

 Found a plant for my pot!!

One of the lads at work is having a clear out of stuff, same one that gave me some books.  Today he gave me this huge paper weight thing with a rose inside and a wick in the top where you put fragrant oil and light it.  All the lads at work thought is was UGLY, which made me like it even more.  Bloody heavy too, I told them if they didn't behave I would lob it at them.  'Nuff said!!

 I love him because he is this cute!!

Todays harvest of Passion Fruit and Chillies.  

Not sure what I will do with them, maybe a chillie cake with passion fruit icing??  Joking!!  Bet the lads at work would still eat it!!

Even tho my lads are older now they still want their Easter chocolate.  So with TOF away I had to do the shopping, he is in charge of this sort of shopping, that and the Christmas Stocking stuff.  Yes they still love their Christmas Stockings!!  When the lads were really small one year the heir caught me putting the eggs out in the garden.  He said "stop stealing all our eggs" to which I replied, "I'm not, I am moving them so the dog doesn't eat them".  Reason accepted and he went on his way.  We don't do an egg hunt any more, I do draw the line!!

I am more of a Hot Cross Bun type and have Hot Cross Bun Bread that I can toast and smother with home made Blueberry Jam.  But I gave into the temptation of a small hollow egg this afternoon.

So now it is the beginning of four days relaxing at home.  I do not care that shops are closed, and I do not want to travel, the roads will be mad!  So will the shops on the days that they do open.  Where ever you are in the world, and what ever you do over Easter, I wish you all a happy time.



Fiona said...

Your boys seem fairly normal to me, my dad still makes faces when having his photo taken and he's 75!
Love a hot cross bun myself but have seen a chocolate variety being advertised on telly....yeeuch!
Happy Easter n all that. x

Poppy Q said...

Hahah typical kiwi lads not wanting their picture taken.

Like you I am staying close to home with a pile of books and popping out to catch up with friends.

The supermarket was crazy tonight - someone I worked with said people were shopping up like it was the end of the world having the shops closed for one day.

Saving my chocolate til Sunday, and got some Easter buns tonight.

Have a lovely Easter.

Julie and Poppy Q

Curtise said...

Meeting up with blogging buddies is always a joy, and black, white and red are a classic combination!
Those naughty boys... if they want to keep getting Easter eggs and a Christmas stocking, they'd better start behaving in photos with their dear Mama!
Have a lovely long weekend, Sue! xxx

Julie said...

Hiya Sue, I Just knew you would enjoy meeting Leeanne, shes kinda special isnt she. Did you know she managed to get herself lost between your house & mine!!!??? Oh yes, my grown up sons still enjoy their Easter treats. Thats so lovely that the boys from work are now bringing you their "stuff" - I think thats kind of sweet. Hope you have a happy Easter too Sue x0x0

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I am so gutted that I didn't get to meet you Leeanne *sob* next time for sure. Or maybe a road trip oop norf is due. Just poke them boys in the eye Sue!! ;-D Newsflash! There is no chocolate in the house, hot cross buns yes...but chocolate no! Might had to get Joe to get some on his way home from work in the morning :D

Goody said...

Nope, no normal looking family photos here either.
I brought out the candymaking tools and did a big session of egg-filling, and bunny moulding this morning. They look nice-hope they taste good. It was sort of meditative all that stirring, careful pouring, wrapping.

Beautiful dishes you found. To the best of my knowledge, I've never had passion fruit, but the ones that make it to our stores here don't look nearly as lovely as yours.

Have a joyous Easter, and I hope you have much relaxation, and chocolate.

Vix said...

What a fab blogger meet-up and those stripes rock!
No Easter eggs or hot cross buns in this house. Can I send Jon over? He can do grumpy,"not another bloody blog photo" very well! xxx

Beth Waltz said...

The black-and-white-and-red combo really works for a blonde like you, Sue! That black and white sorta-60s floral necklace is interesting. Is it a real relic of those plastic daisy days?

Angels have Red Hair said...

Happy Easter to you too Sue :0)

Melanie said...

Oh, a lovely blogger meetup! What a great way to spend time in the garden.
I had a hot cross bun today and thought of this post.
Families and photos, yes. You should only worry when everyone cooperates too enthusiastically.

Marja said...

Happy Easter. What a beautiful photo of the two of you. Love your black and white theme and your finds in the op shop especially the cat hanger.
I had hot cross buns today with chocolate. They were delicious.

Leeanne said...

Hey it was so lovely to FINALLY have that cuppa together! Not a bad photo of the two of us! I am back from my road trip, just working on a blog post. Thanks for the yummy jamsxxxxx