Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Filling in time as time needed to be filled

Today I had an appointment around 2ish and had some time on hand in between work and going to it so I grabbed myself some Sushi and went to the Lake.  After devouring the contents in my Sushi container I went for a little wander as I still had plenty of time.

Another mild Autumn day and plenty of other people were taking advantage of this picturesque spot.

Why wouldn't you just fill in time wandering the boardwalks and paths around the edge of the central city Lake.

Gorgeous strong tall native trees reach for the sky.

Duck Shooting Season began on the 1st of May so there has been an influx of visitors that are now safely holidaying at the Lake.

Wake us up in June would you.

Our Hospital is very near the Lake
and some of the rooms have amazing views.

When I was a teenager my friends and I would go to the Lake in Summer on the weekends as local bands would put on free concerts.  They were on the grassy bank below the water tower you catch a glimpse of in this photo behind the trees.

Wooden bench seat are in strategic positions
so you get peaceful views while resting.

There are some lovely homes nestled on the edge of the Lake, not sure that I would like to live there with so many people walking past and having a peek, like me into their gardens.

Can you see the big white house in the top right corner of this picture?  Pretty sure my sisters and I visited there with our grandparents when we were small.  Some relatives of ours used to live there.  One of the original homes that thankfully still stands.

I wonder if this little dingy ever gets used,
I remember it being moored here last year amongst the reeds.

The Lake like the Waikato River are true jewels in the crown of Hamilton, both beautiful tranquil spots to fill in some time when you have some time to fill.

I was only here for about half an hour
but left feeling
relaxed and recharged.

Yesterday I spent the morning out with Sue W and our good friend Kerry.  Kerry wanted to take me out for lunch as a thank you for taking some family photos for her.  The three of us set of at about 10am visiting a few op shops before lunch.

In Habitat I got these two little crocheted doilies, they are going to end up on my Blanket coat that I started making last winter.  Hopefully I will be inspired to finish it off very soon, well at least before Winter arrives!

Hospice in town didn't have much to tempt me into parting with any cash apart from this necklace.  The discs sit flat and the silver ones are like pewter so nice and dull with the blueish shell like discs.

We visited the newly opened Hospice shop in Frankton, and were impressed to say the least.  This shop is well stocked with very nice things that are beautifully displayed,  slightly more pricey but totally worth it.  There was absolutely no way these gorgeous cotton sheets at $5 each were going to be left behind.

I also purchased this scrum-diddle-umpish Annah S skirt which had me somewhat confused on how you actually wore it until one of the ladies working there solved the problem for me.

You step in side it behind the divine piece of lace detail and then tie it front or back.  I think I may need to model it, just have to decide what I will wear with it first.  I don't have anything in this colour.

This fabulous long string of old crystal beads  I found in Vinnies, I do like things that sparkle!

We had lunch at Agora Cafe in Frankton which has the most amazing selection of delectable food.  I had a Chicken, Peach and Brie Frittata and believe me it was YUM!  I cannot believe I did not take any photos of us gals out together or lunch, must have been too busy chatting and shopping.

Before I go....

I saw one of the funniest things ever today.  I was driving down Lake road heading back to work when heading up the road a small black pig was running as fast as it could in the middle of the lane.  It had a line of traffic behind it to.  Probably escaped from the Frankton Sales yard.  Poor little pig, I do hope it is alright and made its way home and not to the market!!! 


Fiona said...

Thanks for the picturesque stroll around the lake, it looks very serene. Great buys at the chazzas, those sheets were a steal. Sorry I've missed a few posts...bloody internet is playing up.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hello Gorgeous! the lake is beautiful, I do hope the dinghy gets used, maybe on a Suesday!!! you two could 'borrow' it! after duck shooting season though - still, eating sushi there sounds perfect, your treasures are all very special, the skirt is gorgeous, can't wait to see it on you ans we are sparkly necklace twinsies!! I bought one the other day from the chazza - I do hope the little piggy got home x x x

Beth Waltz said...

I was thinking of you and the girls, Sue, when I discoverd a YouTube BBC program about "The Secret Life of Chickens." The presenter was astounded to learn chickens have personalities, silly man!

The dingy is a tempting sight, indeed. One suspects it's used by the groundskeeper for retrieving trash from the lake -- but perhaps a population that supports such a plesant non-profit-making public facility doesn't trash it. I'd enjoy volunteering to paddle it!

Do, please. demonstrate how the skirt is worn. I mistook it for a cocktail apron. (? A trifle worn over short cocktail gowns at big private events to designate which lady was the hostess.)

Curtise said...

The lake looks beautiful - you really do live in a lovely part of the world, Sue, and I love how you always appreciate what it has to offer. Being happy where you are is a skill!
Fab little skirt and that crystal necklace is gorgeous! xxx

Vix said...

What a pretty part of the world you live in,. so good to see you appreciating it, so many people don't.
How do you wear that skirt? Show me! x

Raewyn said...

The lake brings back memories, mum used to take us there on outings from boarding school! We played Petanque when she remembered to pack it!! And it was a peaceful place to visit when Dad was in Waikato hosp. I too hope the little piggy found a safe place to hide!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Did you walk all the way around, or just halfway?? ;-D lol haha.

Angels have Red Hair said...

Do you mean they shoot the ducks there? In the middle of town? It sounds like an episode of Bugs Bunny ... wabbit season ... no duck season ;0)
I think I'd put up with the gawkers if I could live there by the lake ... minus the hunters of course :0)

Julie said...

Hi Sue, Hamilton sure is a beautiful city isnt it, with lots of jewels in its heart. I love your new skirt :-) Now about that pig ... about 2 weeks ago I had a small black pig loose in my garden. The Mr thought I had FINALLY lost my marbles when I said to him "hey theres a pig loose in the section" ... it got away when I tried to approach it & I am wondering if it perhaps found its way to Hamilton !!!??? :-)

Leeanne said...

Peaceful hangout place, I spent time there as a young adult/teenager.......those stories are for another place!
I look forward to seeing your winter coat finished now you have purchased your inspirational doilies! Winter IS coming! Not that you would think so today!

Goody said...

Run little piggy!
A few years ago I was in the car with Danny and we passed a sign for a community chicken dinner. Not two seconds later we spot a chicken running down the county road away from town! I nearly crashed the car laughing.

I'll join everyone else wanting to see how the skirt works, and I'm excited for the reveal of your new winter coat.