Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Donating to Charity and such stuff

Somehow another week has passed me by and I haven't got my A into B and blogged, so this is a bit of a recount.  I think between going to work, and the humidity my brain seems to go mushy after mid day and I seem to float through the rest of the day not knowing which way is up.  I will do my best to recall what I have been up to for you.

One thing I do know is the cycle of life continues in the garden.  There are so many of these blue ladybug, which by all accounts could be lads but I am not in the know on such things as sexing a ladybug.  Look close tho' and you might just see my reflection in this ladybug.

My large sunflower had to be cut as it was having a major droop in the garden and I want to collect some of the gazillion seeds in it, and then the girls can have a peck.

I remember going all black and white on Thursday, and totally loving my cropped and frilled pants.  I am on the hunt for more to pimp out.

I even managed to call in to a few charity shops that day and had the good fortune to run into mother of five gorgeous children the one and only Linda.  So lovely to have a chat to a fellow local op shopper and be reminded that  we are supporting good charities. To True!!  I get miffed sometimes at the prices being asked, but at the end of the day I don't have to buy what is on offer.  The above scores ranged from $6 down to 10 cents for the hand embroidered cloth.  I have enough Swiss cow bells to strap onto the girls now, imagine how funny my flock of chickens would look and sound!!

Especially my Houdini of the hen house little Miss Autumn, who by the way has been running courses on escaping the pen as at least four more of the girls know exactly how to sneak out when they feel like it.  I guess that is why they are called Free Range Chickens.

My Potato Vine is in full bloom and looking beautiful.

On Friday I drove out to Webberville for a Deck Inspection as it now goes both sides of the house and let me just say it is FAB-U-LUSS!!!  Jinx the minx decided to be a dare devil and walk near the edge.

Max is rather partial to living life on the edge and has already jumped off the 2 metre high off the ground deck in pursuit of a bird.  Apparently Foxies do fly!!

It was raining on Friday so there was no walking around the garden but while I waited for Sue to get her face on I did go outside and Smell the Roses!  After a cuppa Sue screamed "I'm a celebrity,  get me out of here" or words to that effect so I brought her back into town with me.  We visited a few op shops then retired to mine for another refreshment break.  Us gals lead busy lives remember and her husband was picking her up from mine.

Twas a good shopping experience as I found Miss India for 20 cents and the above pair of silky black harem pants for $5 which I wore on the weekend, so comfy.
I also found the black ruffle trimmed jacket and spotted top in the ops but the Sari patchwork pants I found at the best Indian shop in Frankton, only $25.  Run by the nicest people with reasonable prices.

Our weekend was a three dayer, with Monday being a public holiday, so on Sunday TOF and I went over to Whangamata to catch up with my sister and family.  We had a boot full of stuff she had bought that I had picked up and then needed to get over to her, and I need to reclaim my garage as the spare has returned and he has stuff to store, whole other story.

We did our normal, go check the wharf out, and then drove back into town to get ourselves some lunch.  The day was overcast but still very warm. Plenty of people swimming, fishing, and in town shopping and eating, beach life is good.

With a golf ball of fat (mince and cheese pie) each and a drink we settled down at the harbour and it wasn't long before the sea gulls arrived.  Jonathon Livingston and all his mates!!

Cheeky buggers even sat on the bonnet of the car and looked at us through the windscreen.  The tide was low and we watch people digging for cockles, something I have not done since I was a child.

My sister text me to sway meet her and the fam dam at a Gypsy Fair that was happening.  TOF had never been to one so he was a virgin to such events and probably will never go to another one.  So not his thing, like Hunting and Fishing shops are not mine!

I love the house trucks and could easily go traveling.  This adorable old dog was having a snooze until we came along and patted her which she loved.

One young trader had her pet rat down her vest, called Humus and pretty darn cute.  Not cute enough for me to wish to own one myself.  My little great nephews were fascinated by it.

We spent a few hours catching up with the family at my sisters home and before long it was time to hit the dusty trail and head home.  I managed to get TOF to stop at Waihi so I could go into Givadi a very cool shop.  Amazing what I managed to see and purchase in my 5 minute allocated window of opportunity.  I will have to go back for a proper look before April when Connie closes up for Winter and goes house trucking with her stock.

 We passed paddocks of green crops under fluffy clouded skies.

Other paddocks were sun scorched, but the clouds were grand.  The drive from Hamilton to Whangamata is a scenic one, mostly rural, then coastal.

So from Givadi I bought this fabulous bracelet of many coloured seed beads and jingling bells.
I bought two of these felt ball hair ties one for me and one for the spares girlfriend who wore it as soon as she saw it.

A bone Mala caught my eye and was purchased as well, not a bad haul for my limited amount of time.  Oh and a small book called The Buddha which I have nearly read and enjoyed immensely. Such wisdom, such lessons!

We dined on take aways, fish and chips, hot dogs and burgers, that was me and TOF, and the spare and the girlfriend.  Oscar guarded the chips.

Monday was spent catching up on washing, watering the garden, and watching our Black Caps play cricket, oh and yes we won!!  Sorry Australia!

Back to work this morning I went and straight home after like  a good girl!!  The Koru garden has remained weed free so far so my re soiling and planting has paid off.  The plants will eventually spread low and have tiny white flowers.
A muggy old day so my hair went up!  Used my bun sponge and felt hair tie. So hard to get a photo from behind but I think I may have just nailed it!

Something thought provoking:

I saw this sign and nearly bought it:

But then I realised that I don't have visitors I am glad to see the back end of!

Now for giggles:



The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I suppose I should get my A into G and bring mine blog up to date too. Gotta love long weekends.....hey hang on....my whole life is one long weekend :D

Leeanne said...

Got goose bumps reading the be good and do good saying! Your new lens is capturing all nature has to offer. Love the hair spongey thing. 10cents for that embroidery! Did you see the chook came back for another visit to our patch?

Connie said...

Well you are certainly the queen of fancy bloomers. So cute. Now you have me wanting to whip up a pair or two. Then there you go getting all gypsy bohemian on me. Love it all. And I did see your reflection in the bug's shell. How fun is that?!

Mel Baker said...

Another week of grand adventures! Love the hair ties, makes me wish I had long hair.

Nancy J said...

Your words invite me in, and I feel I can be right there. What a week, love every moment of your days. Fab goodies, wear and enjoy.Down here, saving seeds every day, as things dry off. Watering gardens and big lawns all the time, leaves falling as the big trees think it is time for shedding them.

Julie said...

Great post Sue - love your hair up in your new hair tie spongy thingy. Love the little verses at the end ... all sooo true. Your garden is still looking wonderful despite the dry.

Vix said...

Love the adorned doughnut bun!
What a shame TOF didn't enjoy the gypsy fair, I'd love to go. Shame its so far away.
Seems funny to see all those India buys in Kiwiland. xxx

Goody said...

I wonder if I should get one of those cowbells to hang on the kid? When he was little I'd put a blaze orange hunting cap on him so I could spot him across the farm, but in the city I think something noisy might do. Can you imagine the look of horror on the neighbour's faces if I made Danny wear a cowbell? I sort of suspect he'd dig the idea as a strange fashion statement, but someone would think it was causing emotional trauma, and report me ;)

Nice spotty shrug-and those patchwork pants are worth every penny.

You captured the over-the-head-photo perfectly.

Beth Waltz said...

The up-do bun suits you, Sue! The black harem pants may prove to be an oddly useful addition to your wardrobe. Think of those glam sandals you've got to wear with them!

I do enjoy your eye for the furred and feathered beings who share your life journey: the foxie who flies, the chook who escapes, the old dog who appreciated a pat, and especially the white rat down the lass's vest. My own rat was named Victoria and I'm sure you and she would have become good friends over the harvest of a lovely sunflower head.