Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Week 48/52 - The best ever surprise and finally that Wedding!!

OMG what a week it was last week.  A last minute coming together of a very cunning and top secret plan had me driving solo to Auckland on Thursday for the very first time in my life.  I mean I have been up and down that motorway all my life but this was my very first time doing it all by myself.  Thank god for google maps and that kind chic that told me when and where to turn!!

I made the 'Welcome' sign about three weeks ago so I was prepared for this very special secret.  I was early to Auckland which was part of my plan, rather faff about up there than arrive late in a panic.

I turned into a Plane watcher for a bit as there is a spot you can pull over and park up to watch planes come and go.  Having done that I decided to head to a shopping centre and have myself a coffee.

With that done it was time to go to the Airport and await my precious cargo. So this is Sandra, Sue W's younger sister.  Sue and her family thought none of her family could make it out from England for her sons wedding.  But little did they know her sister and I was planning this secret surprise.  I had never met Sandra, I had only seen photos of her, hence the sign (that I had sent her a photo of).  Needless to say we hit it off super well and enjoy a laughter filled drive back down to Hamilton.

When we arrived back in Hamilton I phoned Sue to make sure she was home and said I was heading out as I had something for her. OMG the surprise was better than I could ever have imagined.  It was so nice to be involved in such a great thing, nothing beats a GOOD surprise especially for one of your friends.  I had made a Welcome to NZ parcel for Sandra of things like L&P, Pineapple Lumps and other such Kiwi things. With laughter and the odd moist eye, I left them all to it and headed on home.

We had a week of rain rain and more bloody rain! My garden almost drowned.  Everything is growing as if they are on steroids with all the rain.

  Needless to say 
the Cats found
comfortable places 
to keep dry.

Next thing it was Saturday and the day of Sues sons Wedding. The dilemma started with what to wear.  I ended up wearing this frock, the one I actually bought to wear for the wedding.  Typical me I had three more options, thankfully Max's girlfriend was here so she guided me to the right choice.

Unfortunately the weather did not play ball and it was a wet day.  This bunch of young men all went to school together.  Max was one of the Groomsman hence the dress pants and waist coat.  I love these occasions as this is when I get to catch up with all these lads and their lovely ladies.

One of those PROUD MOTHER moments when I was actually allowed to take photos of my sons. Top is my eldest Max with his girlfriend Toni and bottom is Jak and his girlfriend Alex.  How lucky am I?!!

What a little family we are,
but a great one if I don't say so myself!!

Me with my English sisters. How gorgeous does our Sue look in that Blue, and so happy to be sharing the day with her sister Sandra.

Sandra sent me photos of those that could not come over so I got my lads at work to enlarge them so I could take them all to the wedding.  They got to be in quite a few photos I gather.

One of the other Grooms mans gorgeous wee daughter stole many a heart, and we enjoyed cuddles with her. 
What a beautiful Wedding it was and the gorgeous young couple had a fabulous day.  Sues garden glistened with the rain and was admired by all.  The food was amazing, the venue was the best and most of all everything was PERFECT!  Once Sue gets some time I am sure she will do a blog post with many beautiful photos.

So another week gone and we are getting closer to the end of this year.  Stay calm people and remember to breath as December is the month when everyone and everything gets a little crazier than usual.

**No Wisdom**




Chris H said...

OMG your dress is amazing... you look gorgeous. Sue's blue dress... to die for! So glad the day went well, even with the damn rain!

sallyhicks said...

Fabulous photos Sue. What an exciting time you had. What handsome sons you have.
Loved your beautiful dress.. Thanks for sharing. Xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Perfect all round, thank you for what you did, bloody awesome. Xxxxx

Bibi Maizoon said...

What a lovely surprise & wedding!
Your dress for the occasion is absolutely perfect for the occasion- frilly & romantic.
Such a lovely day & beautiful family- love your idea of photo cut outs for those who could not attend.

Kiwionholidays said...

How fab was all that and you guys keeping it under wraps!! Your secrets safe with me!! Lovin it.

All the pics tell a fab story love all your dresses and all and the venue n all what more could you ask for .

So Happy for the Happy couple. Lots of fun days ahead..

Garden wouldve looked amazing (even with its raindrops) and now when its sunny days ,,,,they can all enjoy and reminisce..and have a Super summer!!!

Good for you driving to Auckland airport not the easiest place to get to ,But like we wouldve done getting there with time up your sleeve is the Go..

Looking forward to seeing some of Sues pics once she settles down,, and how fab her sister sneaked over !!!

Well done all of you..

Kiwionholidays said...

Good to see your sons and girls all there too and the pic of you 6 is gr8 .. Good for you guys to look back on...